Ladies and Gentlemen, Come One, Come All
Leather Goblin Mask by Dara Gallery |
To The New York Capitol District Renaissance Festival. The apple orchards and strawberry fields of Altamont Farms have once again been transformed into The Royal Village of Appleton for your pleasure. Knights, ladies, minstrals, and probably a few rogues as well, populate the village. Upon entering, you'll enjoy games, food, and of course vendors of all sorts of wondrous goods.
Purple, Paisley Masquerade Mask by Dara Gallery |
Who better to represent Makers on Hudson at this event then our own Dara, of Dara Gallery? She brings her array of beautiful handmade masks, eye patches and hair accessories that are just what you require to complete your period attire, or embellish that unique outfit. The festival lasts the entire weekend, so choose the perfect day to enjoy time-traveling to a distant era to create you own fairy tale.