I am a sucker for a $2.99 Kindle self-help book.
I do have a bunch of them loaded in my kindle.
But this latest one:
has a ton of helpful content from sellers that
have sales in excess of thousands of dollars.
One artist who I have admired and been inspired by had
a few very simple sentences to offer as advice.
One that intrigued me was something like this:
'Re-list often, even 2 to 3 times a day, if I don't re-list
I don't have any sales.'
This artist, I thought, had a ETSY store that was magically
self sufficient. But now that my attention was drawn to it, I realize that
she does re-list very often.
So I followed her advice this week and re-listed at least once
every day. I did have two orders this week, which for me
is a lot. I do have better sales at craft fairs but am working to increase my ETSY
sales. I will give this another week to see if it really can help.
The increase in business should off set the increase in fees...hopefully :)
There is a lot of helpful information here from some very successful sellers.
I know that with all the changes that have taken place on ETSY,
each and every sale is hard earned.
I did follow through with the second week of increased re-listing
but did not have the same results.
However traffic has increased and theoretically that should
result in increased sales.....
The ETSY mystery to be continued.......