It's in the stars. Bless my stars. I saw stars. Lucky star, rising star, starry eyed. Born under a lucky star. Whether you give credence to your astrological origins, like to give your horoscope a glance in the back of a magazine or just think its all bunk, most of us are familiar with the signs and symbols associated with when we were born. Though every month is home to two different astrological signs we're just going to look through the eyes of the sign that begins the month.
The August Hudson Valley Etsy Team's birthdays belong to Debi Brown, Drusella Kehl and Esther Aguirre. Leo the Lion is a sign ruled by the Sun and it's element is fire. Gold is it's color
and metal and Leos are known to be creative, artistic, colorful and love an audience. Generous, honest and warm hearted people born under this star, are the friend that can shine up the bluest of days and make us forget what on earth we were so bummed out about.
Debi of Tinks Treasures makes affordable jewelry that is bright and cheerful (like Debi herself) and makes you feel shiny. Notice how often red (fire) and gold play a part in her creations. Hearts show up often in her jewelry expressing her honest loving nature. The artist known as Drusella paints whimsical scenes starring rats making those that are phobic forget that rats can be anything other than charming. She watercolors pet portraits and children, all reflecting the warmth and generosity that is Leo. Esther of Xocolati makes artisenal chocolates and feels that chocolate "should be given out free of charge just to make people's lives more enjoyable". Expressed with typical Leo warm heartedness and generosity. Don't visit Esther's shop on an empty stomach though because between the Green Matcha Tea Dark Chocolate Truffles, the 3D chocolate hearts, or her beyond adorable, tiny chocolate mustachioed teddy bear tea (or coffee or milk) cookies Esther's site will leave you giddy with I want, I want, I want.
All of these artists express the passion of Leo in their work and their desire to give others pleasure is so evident. Happy Birthday Debi, Drusella and Esther! XO