Tell us a little about yourself (name, where from, where you are now, your Etsy shop)
What is your professional background?I'm an Opera Singer. I travel 8 months out of the year and sing all over the world. Knitting keeps my brain engaged and my body relaxed while on a gig and I decided to make a business out of it a year and half ago and have never been happier.
What led you to your current craft?My grandmother and her cousin, Molly and Pearl. They lived together in Bensonhurt, Brooklyn and when I was 13 they taught me how to drink and how to knit. They were hilarious, but their joy in everything they created was infectious.
How do you feed your creativity?n everything I do really. Each production I sing in gives me new ideas for either items or colors those characters might wear. The places I go inspire me as well. I'm working on a series of Spanish Shawls right now in the flamenco style while on a production of Carmen, the infamous Gypsy. I find craft night groups where ever I go and plug in as much as I can and absorb what the locals are doing, making, creating and interested in. It's endless.
How do you work deal with a creative block?I wait, or I go to a store and look at things I like and figure out how to make them and make them somehow "better" more funky.
Describe your work area. I have a room. It's called the MollyP room. It's this bright green that my husband calls Skittles. It's filled with pictures that inspire me, a cork board for reminders and ideas, pictures of my grandmother Molly and cousin Pearl, a sewing machine and table, a couch, and gets bright light all day. I love it in there.
Favorite time of day to work? Morning and night.
How did you end up on Etsy?I found it through a friend who loves to find fun stuff and I was hooked. Then once I opened my shop it was a no brainer.
Other than your supplies & materials, what do you want with you on a stranded island?a piano and a bunch of dogs....and of course my husband
Any guilty pleasures? really good mac and cheese...from scratch.
Words of wisdom for aspiring artists?If you get inspired by something but think it's too big, too hard, will take too long, etc...find a way to do it, just start it - the road it will lead you down is where the magic is.